Who are we?

EURO-GRAPH asbl is the European Association of Graphic Paper Producers, which represents the industry sectors of Europe’s newsprint, magazine and fine paper grades.

EURO-GRAPH membership currently includes 22 companies operating more than 60 paper mills and over 100 paper machines in 16 European countries.

EURO-GRAPH is a non-profit making organisation funded by its members.

EURO-GRAPH members are manufacturers of newsprint, magazine and fine paper grades in Europe.

EURO-GRAPH is a legally and financially independent association based in Brussels, Belgium.

EURO-GRAPH is an affiliated member of the Pulp and Paper Products Council (PPPC) based in Montreal, Canada. PPPC is an alliance of product associations serving an international membership in the pulp and paper industry.


EURO-GRAPH is, and aims to remain, the best-in-class (graphic) paper industry association providing continuously improved services to its members.


EURO-GRAPH helps its members to conduct and improve their business, acting in compliance with national and international competition legislation, by:

Providing high quality statisical analysis.
Giving information and advice on relevant industry-related sustainability issues.
Promoting the image, efficiency and sustainability of our products and our industry
Coordinating an information exchange on trade issues, supply chain, digital transformation and any other relevant industry-related topic.
Coordinating its activities and collaborating with other international organisations within the paper industry.

EURO-GRAPH members are manufacturers of newsprint, magazine and fine paper grades in Europe.

EURO-GRAPH is a legally and financially independent association based in Brussels, Belgium.

EURO-GRAPH is an affiliated member of the Pulp and Paper Products Council (PPPC) based in Montreal, Canada. PPPC is an alliance of product associations serving an international membership in the pulp and paper industry.


EURO-GRAPH acts as an independent organisation in the interests of its member companies, respecting confidentiality and privacy issues while maintaining open and transparent communication, conducting business in a socially, environmentally and economically responsible manner.


EURO-GRAPH asbl was formed on 1st January 2012 through the merger of CEPIPRINT (Association of European Publication Paper Producers) and CEPIFINE (European Association of Fine Paper Producers). Its offices are located in Brussels, Belgium, at the same address as many other industry associations including CEPI, FEFCO, ACE, Paper Impact and Print Power.

CEPIPRINT was the main Association for publication paper producers in Europe in 1990-2011. Its offices used to be in Zurich, Switzerland, until it moved to Brussels at the beginning of 2002.Prior to this there were separate associations representing the newsprint and the magazine paper sectors in the Nordic countries and in continental Europe. The origin of the association date back to 1936.

CEPIFINE was the main Association for European coated and uncoated fine paper producers in 1990-2011.



The highest decision making power is held by the EURO-GRAPH General Assembly, which includes representatives of all member companies. The General Assembly meets twice per year and elects the Board.

Here is the current EURO-GRAPH Board:


Robert Wood
Norske Skog


Rebekka Thielemann Stora Enso
Klemens Gottstein Perlen Group
Marco Eikelenboom Sappi
Camille Farrow UPM
Tomaso Esposito Burgo
Antonio Redondo The Navigator Company
Corrado Lignana Lecta
Arvid Sundblad Holmen
Philipp Erdmann Palm
Bernhard Cantzler Mondi

What does EURO-GRAPH do?

The role of EURO-GRAPH is to serve its members by:

  • collecting, processing and analyzing relevant statistical data,
  • evaluating results of comperative supply and demand studies,
  • helping to create or modify industry standards,
  • taking an active role in industry-related environmental issues.

In addition to working for the benefit of its members, EURO-GRAPH is also keen to raise public awareness regarding the newsprint, magazine and fine paper sectors.


To send an email to one of the EURO-GRAPH team, please insert the name into the following address:

For enquiries and further info, please make use of our contact page.

Emanuele Bona

Director General of EURO-GRAPH

Tel: +32 (0) 2 639 26 02 
Fax: +32 (0) 2 639 26 01 
Email: firstname.lastname@euro-graph.org

Caroline Jewitt

Director of Statistics, Communications and Environment

Tel: +32 (0) 2 639 26 06
Fax: +32 (0) 2 639 26 01
Email: firstname.lastname@euro-graph.org

Amanda Ellis

Office Manager and Statistics Assistant

Tel: +32 (0) 2 639 26 00
Fax: +32 (0) 2 639 26 01
Email: firstname.lastname@euro-graph.org

Our Members

Holding Company
Arctic Paper
Burgo Group
Crown van Gelder
Holmen Paper
Kabel Premium Pulp & Paper
Laakirchen Paper
MM Board & Paper
Norske Skog
Papelera Guipuzcoana de Zicuñaga
Papierfabriek Palm
Perlen Papier
SKG Parenco
Steinbeis Papier Gluckstadt
Stora Enso
The Navigator Company


Associate Members