
EURO-GRAPH, through its member companies, is thoroughly committed to sustainable development of its industry. Environmental matters are important for EURO-GRAPH. We are very proud of the environmental record of the European graphic papers industry, as we manufacture high quality paper products that are based on sustainable, renewable resources.

The European graphic papers industry is committed to the responsible use of forestry resources. A far higher number of trees are planted than harvested each year with the effect that the forest area is growing in Europe. Sustainable forestry is of vital interest to us since we are aware of the dependence on a safe and consistent fibre supply.

Among the environmental issues being followed by EURO-GRAPH are Carbon Footprint, Water Footprint, Forest Certification and Paper Recycling. EURO-GRAPH also works closely together with CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) on environmental matters.


EURO-GRAPH has an Environmental Working Group (EWG) which focuses mainly on product-related environmental matters, whereas CEPI works more with process-related environmental regulations. The EURO-GRAPH EWG meets several times each year and is made up of representatives from various EURO-GRAPH member companies. The Group provides a forum for papermakers to express their opinions, concerns and recommendations regarding environmental legislation and developments.

The EWG advises the EURO-GRAPH Board of Directors on actions aimed at protecting and improving the environmental reputation of graphic paper products. The Group also identifies and signals to the Board of Directors developments in the European Commission environmental policy that are relevant to the common interests of EURO-GRAPH members.

Through active participation in various CEPI working groups, the EWG monitors developments in European Commission environmental legislation that may impact European graphic paper producers. The Group is responsible for advising CEPI to put forward the particular interests of European graphic paper producers with regard to EC environmental legislation and rules. The Environmental Working Group thus serves as an active support forum for CEPI.

Current topics on the EWG’s agenda include:

To ensure that wood raw material is coming from sustainably managed forests.
Environmental Product Information, discussing items such as Eco labels.
Process-related issues such as IPPC-BAT; Emission Trading; Waste Incineration; and Waste Landfill Restrictions.
In addition, the EURO-GRAPH EWG cooperates on common General Issues with the European Merchants Association – EUGROPA.